Sunday, March 29, 2009

Reflective Summary

After doing all these five journals on Tigers and Iguanas Conservation, I learnt that Tigers in India contains 60% of the world population as it was still legal for them to hunt tiger to export skins in the 1970s. It has been starting to decrease as there is huge amount of agriculture, industrialization which will affect the natural habitats, forests and natural grasslands, deforestation and some of the natural disasters such as volcanoes eruption.

For the Iguanas, I learnt all iguanas have strong jaws, long tails and strong legs with long, sharp claws, and the iguana family includes about 30 different species. They are now decreasing because their habitats are being destroyed for housing or farming, natural disasters such as hurricanes and being eaten by their predators such as snakes and many more.

My perspectives have changed during the course of my research because I used to think that they have been decreasing as they were being eaten up and deforestation but I never knew that there were so many reasons to cause them to decrease. I also never knew that the consequences would be that serious. I think that we should try and help to prevent these animals from decreasing as there won’t be any more chances for us to see these animals anymore if it really extinct.
There are actually two group called ‘Tiger Trust’ and ‘Iguana Specialist Group’ which aim to carry out projects to conserve Tigers and Iguanas. I think that I can help by joining or helping these organizations.

To prevent the Tigers and Iguanas from decreasing, we as human-beings can help by avoiding the actions of deforestation and many other more to minimize the damage deal to the forest.

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Saturday, March 28, 2009

Reflective Journal 5

I learnt that actually, there are a few ways to solve the over-poaching which is the illegal practice of trespassing on another's property to hunt without the landowner's permission problem of the Tigers and Iguanas. In India, there is actually a person named called Kailash Sankhala, had actually set up a conservations called "Tigers Trust" to solve this problem which started in late 1989 which aims to raise aware nature conservation. He succeeded in helping rescue the species from the extinction. Under the Jawahar Lal Nehru fellowship, he conducted an extensive study during a time when tiger population was dwindling at an alarming rate due to poaching and hunting which led him to launch the Project Tiger.

For the Iguanas, I learnt that there is actually a group called ‘Iguana Specialist Group’ which was formerly the West Indian Iguana Specialist Group and aims to help to create and set up effective conservations for Iguanas. Through partnerships with government agencies, conservation organizations, and research institutions, this Iguana Specialist Group seeks to help design and implement immediate and effective conservation measures for this magnificent group of lizards.

My perspectives have changed after I had done my research because I used to think that we can help by spreading the messages to the people, educate other people and also stop the actions of abusing and neglecting the Tigers and Iguanas but I didn’t know that there were actually people setting up group to help to improve this situation.

I think that we can help by joining or helping these two conservations groups to help to improve the situation. I think that we can also donate money to these two groups so that they will have a better financial situation to continue or develop their project on conserving the Tigers and Iguanas these two projects are important which involve a lot of money.

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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Reflective Journal 4

After doing my research, I learnt the importance of Tigers and Iguanas. I learnt that if we do not conserve Tigers now, it may affect the food chain of the habitats and lead to decrease and increase of other animals. It will lead to other animals to decrease because there is one less prey to control the population of the predator as more or less, they will had to compete for food and it may also cause the other prey of Tigers population to increase because there is one less predator to kill and eat them up. This may even cause the over-growth of these animals.
The problem now is the obvious fall in their population. India, which had 40,000 tigers just one century ago, is now under expectations over tiger populations.
Some are saying that the numbers had been faulty while the other side is standing by their work. Despite this, many people believe that the argument over exact numbers barely changes how much protection the tigers need. The consistent and falls in tiger populations throughout India has been blamed on the government’s lack of force towards hunters. Tigers are killed for their claws, teeth, skulls, and furs which are worth for $12,500 in China. Many conservationists and wildlife experts say that little is done to protect the species and that poaching and urban expansion has brought about declining world populations of tigers.

For the Iguanas, I learnt that because of the loss of Iguanas, the ecosystems which is the population community they belong to, suffered a lot of serious problems as they are the main or important seed dispersers for many native plants.

I think that if we do not do any actions to prevent the Tigers and Iguanas from decreasing now, other than these two animals, it may also affect the other animal population to increase or decrease when these two animals become extinct. So, we should try what we can do now to help all these animals.

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Sunday, March 22, 2009

Reflective Journal 3

I learnt that the reason for why the tigers are decreasing is because of the huge amount of agriculture, industrialization, deforestation and some of the natural disasters such as volcanoes eruption which will affect forests and natural grasslands which will, more or less, destroy the tigers natural habitat because all these activities as mentioned above will destroy the forests and causes tigers to have no place to live in and will have less food to eat. When that happens, their population will decrease and affect the natural habitat.

For the Iguanas, one of the reasons for why are the iguanas decreasing is that it was cause by the human activities as we have to clear the forests to do build houses and do farming. Another one is that it was caused by the natural disasters such as hurricanes. These will causes the forest to be destroyed and the iguanas will have less places to live in and causes their natural habitat to be destoyed. Last but not least, it can also be caused by natural predators of Iguanas such as snakes and many more. They would always eat them up and hunt them for food to live on.

It was really shocking to me during the course of my research as before I do my research I thought that the reasons of why Tigers and Iguanas are decreasing is because of only deforestation and also eaten by their predators, but after I done my research I knew that there were also many other reasons which can be caused by natural disasters or human beings.
I think that they also have lives and they should have led a comfortable place to live in. Although we cannot solve this problem completely, we can also help by avoiding the actions of agriculture, industrialization and also deforestation as it does not affects the Tigers and Iguanas population, but also causes air pollution. This will make a better place for the human beings and also the Tigers and Iguanas.

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Saturday, March 21, 2009

Reflective Journal 2

I learnt that 'the latest predictions state that tigers will be extinct in the wild by the year 2015 which is less than 12 short years from now. Thus, there is little time left to preserve these animals so immediate action is required. Tigers are an important part of the ecosystem which is the population community, and a major link in the food chain. Tigers have been revered as gods. All living creatures of mother earth depend on one another for survival. We as human beings are brothers and sisters to every living being, from the plants to the animals to each other.
Crimes like these - the killing of tigers - must be stopped - PERIOD. They are often killed in the most barbaric, the most unbelievably cruel ways.'

For the Iguanas, I learnt that '16,306 of 41,415 species on the IUCN Red List are threatened with extinction, reports the World Conservation Union (IUCN). The total number of known extinct species now stands at 785. “The rate of biodiversity loss is increasing and we need to act now to significantly reduce it and stave off this global extinction crisis”, said Julia Marton-Lefèvre, Director General of the World Conservation Union (IUCN).
The IUCN Red List is considered the most authoritative assessment of the global status of plants and animals as it classifies species according to their extinction risk and is available online as a searchable database.'

I think although there are already groups that help to conserve tigers and iguanas, we as being human-beings, though cannot do much to solve this over-poaching problem, but at least we can try our best to educate the people in those countries where these two animals appeared more and pass the message of the consequences when this endangered animals are being killed, which can affect the environment.

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Thursday, March 19, 2009

Reflective Journal 1

I learnt that it was still legal for people in India to hunt tigers to export skins in recent 1970s and India contains 60% of the world's tigers. Tiger are the most magnificent, rare, endangered charismatic and powerful among all the cats and it is recorded that more than 3,000 tigers lost their lives to trophy hunter which most are being tourists from 1950s to early 1960s. Hence, Project Tiger launched on the 1st April 1973 at Corbett National Park and it's aims were to ensure maintenance of a viable population of tigers in India for scientific, economic, cultural and ecological values, preserve, for all times, areas of such biological importance as a national heritage for the benefit, education and enjoyment of the people, early development.
With the co-operation of the Indian Government, Project Tiger initially established a reserves, across different ecosystems which is the population community. These were devoted specifically to saving the tiger and eliminating those factors which were contributing to the decline of the tiger:
1. Habitat destruction.
2. Disturbance.
3. Loss of prey.
4. Hunting.
5. Competition with local villagers and animals

For the Iguanas side, I had learnt that all iguanas have strong jaws, long tails and strong legs with long, sharp claws, and the iguana family includes about 30 different species. The iguanas in West Indian (including the iguanas in the Bahamas) are a very special group of iguanas. They are among the most endangered of the world’s lizards and their habitats are also being destroyed for housing or farming. People have also introduced foreign animals to island or forest which iguanas lived on, and eat them up which destroys their habitat even further more.

It was really very shocking to me when I was doing my research because I had never knew that it was still legal for people in India to hunt tiger in 1970s.
I think that although Tigers may not be considered good to human beings in some ways as they are a type of ferocious animals which may kill and eat up people but they are also living things and they also need a comfortable place for their homes. It is also the time we should stop on the actions of abusing and neglecting on the Tigers and Iguanas.

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Friday, March 13, 2009

Journey of places where I have not visit, but wish to go...

Actually, there are quite a lot of places I wish to go, but have not go yet, but if I were really given an oppurtuinity, I would love to go England and Italy.

I wishes to go to these two high-development country is because of the soccer match. When I was young, I would always love to watch soccer, but there was very, very low chances as I had no starhub cable to watch. As I grow older, I learnt how to use computer and I would always make use of the computer to watch the live telecast soccer match on computer which has a very small screen which makes me feel uncomfortable and dizzy whenever I watch it. When I reached there and watch the first match, I am sure that I will be very excited and nervous as there will be a lot international world-class professional soccer player there and that will be the first I am visiting a world most popular soccer league. I am also sure that it will be more thrilling to watch it there than at home.

I always had this idea of bringing my parents along with me to these two countries when I had enough money because other than the soccer, I would also be able to shop, play and eat the their traditional food there and I do not want my parents to miss out the opportunity. I would also be able to see and take down the nice, beautiful scenery there. I think that I would be going to these countries for at least two times because I would want to go to these destinations in winter also. In that case, I would be able to masochist the feeling of being in the snow as I always wonder how would the feeling be like in the snow. Other than that, I can also ski in the snow which I think skiing is a very fun sport.

Because of these, I intended to learn Italian when I'm grow up and be able to afford it so that it would be more easier and convenient for me to communicate with the Italian when I'm lost or encounter problems in Italy. In that case, I will have more feel of safe secure as it would be more easy for me to interact with Italy people.